Favorite Pixar Films

Toy Story


Toy Story is one of the most iconic Disney movie series ever created. It explores imagination, takes adults back to their childhood while helping children explore their own childhood, and it brings up just about every emotion you can think of.

We’ve laughed with the toys, cried, been nervous for them, and smiled at happy endings. Toy Story has become such a way of life that we can even check our signs to see if we’re a Toy Story kid.

With all of this Toy Story lovin’, here are 10 things that only people who love Toy Story understand. source



“Coco” is a movie about borders more than anything—the beauty in their porousness, the absolute pain produced when a border locks you away from your family.

The conflict in the story comes from not being able to cross over; the resolution is that love pulls you through to the other side. The thesis of the movie is that families belong together. source



Princesses are known for being dainty. They are delicate and pretty and sweet. But not many are known for being bad. And even less are known for their bravery. But Merida checks all of those boxes. This is Why Merida is the Baddest Princess!

Merida doesn’t expect anyone else to clean up her mistakes. Nope, she is a girl who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to tell everyone when she is unhappy. When her family wanted her to get married, she was quick to tell everyone that she was not down for an arranged marriage. That must have taken some serious guts to go against what your parents and your whole kingdom wants.

Whether it’s her attitude or her wild hair, there are so many things about Merida that make her a true rockstar. Stay tuned to This is Why Merida is The Baddest Princess to find out why Merida doesn’t let anyone tell her what to do. source

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